We care about our environment, and that is why we have designed a reusable packaging system for our meal kits which is reusable opposed to recyclable and 100% free from plastic packaging. In order to complete the reusable circle, we need your help!

On every meal kit order we include a small deposit fee for the delivery bag and the glass jars the ingredients come in. Upon your next delivery, you can return the reusable packaging and we’ll deduct the deposit paid from your next bill!


One of the major complaints among meal kit delivery service users is the overwhelming amount of waste generated from the excessive packaging. While the service offers convenience and fresh ingredients, the mountains of disposable materials, including plastic, cardboard and insulation, often leave customers feeling guilty about their environmental impact. And that’s exactly why we're committed to elevate your dining experience and reduce waste. Our reusable packaging not only ensures your meal kits arrive fresh and intact, but also plays a vital role in preserving our beautiful planet.

Wondering how we contribute to a better environment?

Plastic-free and reusable packaging


Plastic pollution is a major global problem that hugely affects the marine environment, the human health and fills the landfills. More than 400 million tons of plastic are produced every year world-wide, of which more than one third of this amount is used for packaging, so why not make it reusable? Although recycling is becoming more and more a habit in daily life, currently only 9% of all plastic is recycled and 32% still ends up uncontrolled in the environment. It’s our responsibility to fight this problem and stop the demand for any plastic by switching to reusable packaging. The change starts with you!

Plastic-free and reusable packaging


Plastic pollution is a major global problem that hugely affects the marine environment, the human health and fills the landfills. More than 400 million tons of plastic are produced every year world-wide, of which more than one third of this amount is used for packaging, so why not make it reusable? Although recycling is becoming more and more a habit in daily life, currently only 9% of all plastic is recycled and 32% still ends up uncontrolled in the environment. It’s our responsibility to fight this problem and stop the demand for any plastic by switching to reusable packaging. The change starts with you!


Buying most of your products in bulk - in large quantities - reduces your carbon footprint in several ways. Bulk buying means a significantly reduced number of packaging and with that a lot less waste. The pollution caused by the transport of the products is also minimised as the larger quantities require less deliveries. By refilling existing containers like the reusable packaging we offer, our meal kits can be used over and over again, creating a circular system that doesn’t require any new packaging to be produced. We provide you the infrastructure; all we ask you is to complete the circle.

Bulk buying to support reusable packaging
Bulk buying to support reusable packaging


Buying most of your products in bulk - in large quantities - reduces your carbon footprint in several ways. Bulk buying means a significantly reduced number of packaging and with that a lot less waste. The pollution caused by the transport of the products is also minimised as the larger quantities require less deliveries. By refilling existing containers like the reusable packaging we offer, our meal kits can be used over and over again, creating a circular system that doesn’t require any new packaging to be produced. We provide you the infrastructure; all we ask you is to complete the circle.


We're proud to introduce our innovative reusable packaging system! Say goodbye to waste and hello to sustainability with our reusable delivery bags and containers.

Meal kit order with reusable packaging

Place your order

A fixed deposit fee of 7€ is added to your bill for the reusable packaging the ingredients come in.

Return your reusable meal kit packaging

Return your items

Upon your next delivery, hand over the empty bag and jars to the delivery person or return them at the pick-up point.

Complete the reusable packaging circle

Receive a credit

We turn the deposit paid into a credit and will deduct it from your next bill.

!!Visit your online account to receive the latest overview of your deposit balance.

!!Deposit payments are valid for two months. After this time, no credits will be provided.


Explore the answers to some of the most common questions below and learn how we’re revolutionising your dining experience offering reusable packaging.

  • It can always happen that for some reason you were not home at your chosen delivery moment, so you couldn’t hand back the empty bag and jars or you simply forgot it. No worries! If they’re not in your way, you can keep them until the next delivery and give them back at that time. If you do want to get them out of your house, you can either drop them off for free at our pick-up point in Palma or we will pick them up at our regular delivery rate (5,95€ in and around Palma / 7,95€ outside of Palma) at a moment that suits you.

  • When our delivery person comes to your door and receives the empty bag and jars, he will make a note on his delivery sheet so we know who has returned what. 

    Your bag comes with your address label on it. As long as you don’t remove this label, we can easily trace it back to you - especially when handing it in at our pick-up point. 

    Did you remove the address label? Just leave a small note in the side pocket to be 100% sure that we know it’s yours. 

    Did you return your items, but you haven’t received any credit in your account yet? Get in touch with us!

  • Deposit payments are valid for two months. After this time, no credits will be provided.

  • If you like to use the bag to go grocery shopping or to bring some refreshments to the beach, you’re free to keep it. In this case your outstanding deposit payment will expire after two months.

  • If you decide to cancel your subscription completely, you have two options:

    1. You can keep the bag and glass jars of your last order. They may come in handy! You’ve already paid for them, so they’re yours. 

    2. You can either drop them off for free at our pick-up point in Palma or we will pick them up at our regular delivery rate (5,95€ in and around Palma / 7,95€ outside of Palma) at a moment that suits you. Instead of putting a credit into your account, we refund you the money directly in your bank account.

    If you choose for option 2, please let us know and we’ll get it organised for you!

  • Ay! That’s not so good and we’re sorry for the inconvenience. Its vulnerability is one of the downsides of using glass unfortunately. But don’t worry, we won’t take anything from your deposit. Please send us a quick message and we’ll find a solution in case the breakage has affected any of your ingredients!

Check our FAQ section for answers on more questions!